There are our average fees based on certain assumptions.
Please note where there are any added complexities we will sometimes need to increase our fees. After our initial consultation we will be able to advise at the outset whether any further charges may be required.
Charges will be calculated by reference to time spent by the Fee Earner in dealing with your matter and that typically ranges between £150 plus VAT at 20%, per hour and £216 plus VAT at 20%, per hour.
Probate Fees
Please note that there will be an additional percentage element of 0.5% on real estate and 1.0% on other assets in costs when dealing with a full estate administration. This rate increases to 0.75% and 1.5% where a Director of this firm is acting as an Executor.
The prices above do not take into account any costs payable to a third party such as Probate Court fees and swearing fees or any taxes payable to HMRC in the estate For more information please see the Gov.UK website.
Typical disbursements include:
Probate Court Fee: £300 plus £1.50 for each additional copy of the Grant of Probate
Statutory Notices: These typically range between £200 and £300 but are optional
AML and ID searches: £6.00
Beneficiary Bankruptcy Searches: £2.00 (UK Residents only)
File Storage Fee: £49.00 plus VAT
* Please note that this is a limited service and we would not become involved in the administration of the estate.